Academy of Advancing Neurosurgery is a society formed by a group of neurosurgeons aimed at evolving concepts and techniques in neurosurgery. The word “academy”originally referred to a garden near Athens where Plato taught hence the philosophical school or system of Plato, and later a place, society or Institution where the arts and sciences are taught or fashioned. In addition to its usage in reference to an academy or University the adjective academic has come to mean “theorectical, scholarly, abstract, unpractical”. (Brewer’s Dictionary of phrase and Table). Although blighted with the common prejudice, which is universal, that whatsoever is academic is essentially abstract, nay, impractical or impracticable, we venture to stick to its pristine meaning handed down to humankind from Plato’s time. It’s high time we restore academics to its exalted position to the betterment of us all. An academic body, neurosurgical, literary, or whichsoever, should be a forum of free thought and expression, intellectual vigor, rewarding research and an abiding camaraderie. In such a democracy of intellect (Jacob Bronovisky’s phrase), no one is superior or inferior, wise or otherwise, but one and all are co-travelers in the search of clinical clarity, investigative efficiency, operative competence, and fiscal wisdom. Academy allows no hierarchy. The most junior may excel the most senior in many a field. The senior’s stance– noblesse oblige- ought to be Voltairean: “I differ from you, but to the last drop of my blood, I shall defend your right to differ from me”. Shishyat putrat ichhat parajayam. So the Indian sages advise – “So teach, that your student excels you”.



Neurosurgery is a journey towards excellence, and no destination. “The most important person in the operation theatre is the patient”, so aphorized Russel John Howard. The outstandingly important subject for us is the patient, towards whose welfare and benefit all the neurosurgeons and researchers should strive. Such an approach cuts down on individual ego trips which in any case are an anathema to academic advancement.

In essence our aim is to make neurosurgery a growing global discipline in the service of neurosurgical patients. To this end we are creating a Center for Excellence in Neurosurgery which will train young and inquisitive neurosurgical minds in the art of microneurosurgery and serve society by treating complex neurosurgical and spine patients of all strata of society. With all the gloss and glitter of the most sophisticated, highly technicized, frequently conferential, richly journalistic and texted, and greatly revered discipline of neurosurgery, a cardinal note of humility appears imperative. A sense of humility, not worn as a badge of honor or flaunted at meets, but as a trait that must be cultivated from the very teething young to the acme of academic laurels and achievements. The least modest practitioners of the least modest discipline should logically and philosophically exercise in their thought and their action the wisdom that accrues from rational humility. Once rationalized, humility no longer remains a virtue, but turns into an ingrained habit or a trait.

The neuraxis is an intermediate component of a circuit that starts with the sensory receptors and ends in the muscle cells. From the taste buds to the tongue muscles or from the paccinian corpuscle to the pronator quadratus, with the whole neuraxis as an intermediary, there is not a single element that can be neurosurgically trifled with. It is sacrosanct, and all that neurosurgery excels is in the trio of Imagery, Access and Procedure, having done that the neurosurgeon is left to ponder and pray much like Ambroise Pare- I dressed the wound, God healed the wound.

All in all neurosurgery is an art. Mastering the concepts and technical skills of neurosurgery requires great passion and practice, an amalgamation of heart, mind and soul till perfection is achieved. The Academy for Advancing Neurosurgery aims to advance the Philosophy, Technique and Technology of Neurosurgery in the service of humanity.

The Neurosurgical Week

Save The Date

2Nd To 6Th August 2024, Mumbai, India